Thursday, June 26, 2008

Bloom Where You're Planted!

Corrine is a avid Gardner. These are some photos of her flowers in her front yard! I Love, Love, Love gardens and flowers!
When I lived here she would give me starts of her flowers for my garden. It was wonderful to see the small flower bloom into a big beautiful bush.
One of my favorite flowers is a Johnny Jump ups. They are the first picture here! Every year Corrine would give me some start ups of her Johnny Jump ups. They are so hardy that they reseed and she is having to pull them out of her grass and beds that she doesn't want them in.
Each year for some reason, my Johnny jump ups would die! Then a few weeks later, I would find some growing in the rocks or out in the middle of the lawn as if to mock me!! It drove me crazy, yet I loved it, I loved the flowers and the digging in the dirt.
I was sharing with Corrine my thoughts on my Post cultivating happiness and she shared with me a cute story of her garden.
She has a rose bush that she has had for five years now. Each year she prunes the bush, she fertilizes it, she waters it carefully... She has such high hopes for this little bush. And each year the darn thing produced just one bud. One small pink bud!
She has struggled with the decision whether to pull the bush out or to give it time. Maybe one more year! She has faith this little bush will produce some beautiful buds eventually.
Well, this past month she walked out to her garden and her was shocked when she saw six huge, unbelievable gorgeous blooms! She said the buds were so amazing and the fragrance was divine! Her patience, and care had paid off finally!
She then told me she sees me as her garden.. I just need to have faith, put forth the effort, and bloom where I am planted!
thanks for the advice Corrine! It is a great analogy and I am taking it to heart!


Crazymamaof6 said...

she has a gorgeous Garden! what a sweet friend. and great thoughts.

Brent Kynaston said...

Wow how beautiful! It's amazing what you can grow in the desert! Lauri - You and Tony are such good examples of blooming where you're planted. You always seem to thrive and make the new place quickly into "Home". We love you and miss you!

Shelli said...

It looks beautiful! Hey, I have a nice yard full of weeds if you want to admire a more casual, back to nature kind of garden. Mmm, I don't think I'll post pictures, though! I'm glad you're having fun. Good friends are hard to find, let alone keep! Enjoy while you can!

KLS said...

I love that idea to bloom where you are planted. I am going to have to use that one on a daily basis :-) I never could have a garden. I seem to kill all plants. My Grandmother rescued plants from my home.

Lori ~ LL-K said...

Amazing Flowers!!! What a beautiful Garden!! Thanks for sharing it with all of us!

Ginger said...

Gorgeous, makes me want to go to the nursery. I have found the best way for a beautiful garden is to quickly replace the plants I have killed with new ones before anyone notices the swap.