Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hot Dog Puke and Addictions~ What a Day!

Last night I went to bed at almost 3! Jennifer brought over some books last night. I had intentions of starting the Twilight book she brought over, but I just couldn't resist the Sophia Kinsella book instead! Why mess with a good thing you know? I already know I am going to love that book, but the twilight book is a crap shoot!
So.. couldn't put the book down. Finally forced myself to stop at 3 am. Figured I would sleep in a little and have the kids take the baby!
Whoops~I was totally wrong on that one! I woke up at 6:30 am to the pungent sickly familiar smell of puke laced with hot dogs! You know the smell...It is the worst possible kind of puke situation! Ughhh. Grace is sick as a pig! Dragged my sorry butt out of bed got her cleaned up, cleaned the pillow and laid back down. 15 minutes later, I was wearing chunks of hot dogs. HELP ME, PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME!! I swear, anything but hot dog puke! Well, I got grace and I bathed, and It was OK. For about half and hour! Now instead of hot dog puke I am getting to clean up hot dog poop! OK, maybe the smell wasn't so much hot dog, but it WAS just as offensive. Maybe I shouldn't have prayed for anything but hot dog puke! sighhhh. Back to the bath!
So this has how our day has been. I think I still smell. Nice! I don't think there are any chunks in my hair though. Grace~ That could be another story!
Grace has been beside herself today so I haven't been able to put her down. We fell asleep for about a hour. I woke up with a wicked headache!
Got Rachelle to take Grace and at about 3:30 I realized why I feel so crappy...Holy freakin addiction folks! No diet coke! Gotta feed the beast here. Made my way to circle K to get my fix. Have you ever noticed when you are dying for a soda cause you are so freakishly addicted that the first sip is heavenly? It burns going down (Heaven) and you begin to wonder if 52 ounces of love in a cup is going to be enough to pull you through the next few hours of vomit and crap!
I am counting down the hours here until Tony gets home and I can hand off the kidlets, grab my book and go hide for a few hours! Maybe in even in the bath! Get rid of the smell and escape! Novel idea! Jennifer~ you just might be the one who in the end saved my sanity today! Way to go! Thanks for the books ~oh~ my family probably thanks you too! At least I know there is a good end to a bad day!
What a Day!


goingsome said...

Nice!!! I haven't had the eau de perfume of vomit lately. Oh, I feel your pain. Hope it passes soon.

Crazymamaof6 said...

holy cow that is the worst kind of day. hallelujah for some diet coke! and whoohoo for a good read.

Amanda said...

Oh lord woman, I sure do love you. I'm sorry you've had a rough day thank the lord I haven't had Ginger that sick yet. Knock on wood. I know what you mean about the books though, LOVE them!! I read all day long. I think I'll stay in Idaho where I have all 4 seasons thank you very much :)

Aprilyn said...

Ugh. I hate having sick kids!!
Thanks for the recipe. I'm going to use it tomorrow because I have NO time to cook on Pack Meeting nights (which is tomorrow). My family has to get their clothes out of the laundry baskets...if I'm so generous with my time that I even DO the laundry.

Anyway, here's my email address:

sherry said... dog puke. One of my favorites! I would say get some sleep, but that is not likely to happen with a few good books lying around! Make your big kids take care of the little ones. SOmetimes that works;) I am jealous you have all three twilight books. I just finished reading the first one again, but Rebecca can't find the other two. Drat!

Jenifer said...

Yucky, I hate when the sick smell permeates your skin. And hot dogs! I always hated milk puke. So rancid. I wonder if she ate candy off the floor at Barros? Poor thing. I'm glad you are enjoying the books.
The first sip is pure Heaven. I like it when the bubbles bring tears to my eyes....

Shelli said...

I always liked it when they puked so much, it didn't smell anymore and I stopped changing my clothes -- too tired, just slept in it! Mmm, happy memories, happy days! Glad you survived. And, I think you'll like the Twilight books. Let me know what you think.

Ginger said...

Be patient, this too will pass.

GoteeMan said...

oooh... so sorry... been there with the whole "fountain of puke" thing going on... misearable...

Hoping today is much better (in both substance and SMELL)....

