Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Funny Or Not?

Zachary found this T shirt and wants me to buy it for school. My husband thinks it's sacrilegious.I'm not sure. It's funny. Good Message right? Ok, I know it's kind of a joke, but I love the Jesus is my homie Tshirts too!
So what do you think? Appropriate or not? Do you think he'd get in trouble at school?
Oh and when I was posting this he wanted to know if I wanted to take a picture of him crapping and post it too since I was so obsessed with blogging! Nice eh?


Crazymamaof6 said...

i wonder if that would fly with the school dress code. i like the ones that say "modest is hottest."
and how great he's offering to take a dump for you so you can post it! you totally should! COL(cackle out loud) so he's mocking the wonder of the blog eh? he just doesn't appreciate it yet. soon he'll be saying Mom, aren't you going to blog about my award? MAD SKILLZ? awesome grades? yeah.

goingsome said...

Yes, I agree with CrazyMama. I wonder if it would agree with the school dress code. I looked at the dress code for elementary school, since my little one is starting, and I don't think it would fly, but to each his own. If he really thinks it, then great, but I think he is "mocking" it. You decide, MOM!!! Yes, let him pose for the "potty" shot. He will regret that later.

Shelli said...

I think it would fly here. I like it, and I think it's a heck of a lot better than the typical vulgarity you see and hear in high school! I would let him get it as long as he promises to stay a virgin!

Jenifer said...

So where is the picture of him on the pot? Or was he going to do it in the front yard? hahahahaha

Mike, Suzann and Family said...

We LOVE this T-Shirt! Good thing my kids don't know what it means yet :)

Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

I was going to say moddest is hottest would be better but he's a guy so maybe he could pull it off - had fun today - thanks!

Britta said...

His shirt is awesome!!! Not sure I want to see the pot shot, but good luck on that one:)

GoteeMan said...

Great shirt, but would definitely NOT fly at my kids' school...

great for the MALL, though...hehe.


KLS said...

I love the shirt. I agree that the school would not appreciate it. They would find something offensive about it no doubt! Do you remember when we were in school and they stopped allowing us to wear t-shirts that had slogans? Schools are funny. They are so worried about law suits. It is still a great shirt ;-)


OK, I am not supposed to be blogging because I am on vacation, but I just have to say something. First of all, Zach is such a good kid. I know that he is being funny and making a point, but not mocking. Humor is a good way to get your point across. As for the dress code, what can they do? Make him change? If they give him a hard time, he can say that he was making a political statement. Is he allowed to wear a shirt that says save the earth? He is just wearing a shirt that supports saving the family. Anyway, I love Zach's sense of humor. I would have been mortified to wear a shirt like that in High School. Kudos to him for being true to himself.

sherry said...

Your son Zachary sounds flippin hilarious! At schools around here, it could really go either way. I would let him get it, and save it for social situations;)