This Week I Am Grateful For~ Thanksgiving!
I love Thanksgiving.I love the gathering of our family.I love the food. There is something comforting when you prepare and eat the same foods that you grew up having at each holiday. It bridges the gap and helps me to feel a little more connected to my family even if we aren't together that year.
I love sitting around the table and having each of my children tell me about the things they are thankful for. It is always a good reminder for us to recognize how blessed we are.
I loved that the weather was cooled off for the day! It actually felt fall-ish! It was fantastic!
I felt very thankful for so much that day.
here are a few things that struck me throughout the day that I was thankful for~
Tony's job. Tony is opening a new store in Tempe. They had a job fair to fill some positions. They needed to fill 37 positions in the store. They had over 500 people show up to interview for it! Time and time again he heard people tell him that they were laid off from their jobs and are desperate to find some work. Tony has a very good job that pays well and gives us some stability in our lives. Yes we have had to move several times but we have been blessed knowing that our family will be taken care of.
My health! Our families have had a heck of a year with health issues! It has been very difficult with all the trials that have come their way. I have been so impressed with the resolve and spirit in which Maria has handled her health difficulties. I admire
her courage and strength.
Rosemary, Isabelle, Adam, and Angie have also had health issues or injuries! Crazy year I swear!
My sister has just had a stroke last week and the Dr's are still trying to figure it all out. She has been so calm throughout the whole ordeal.I can't imagine how scared she must be feeling. I am worried for her. She is young and it is wild to think of her going through this right now!
Know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers! And..I can promise you I won't take good health for granted again!
My kids! Whoa did I just say that? Well yes! I enjoy the good and great times. It was fun to sit around the table Thanksgiving and laugh with them and listen to the stories.They are smart and funny and difficult and strong willed and loving and kind. They are my hardest trial and my greatest joy! I need to chill and enjoy them more!
Willing helpers! This year after dinner Tony got up and cleared off the table. Then Zachary got up and started doing dishes. And he washed the things that wouldn't fit into the dishwasher by hand. Wow..he doesn't do that often! It was nice! And Rachelle and Hannah helped put away food. I think this was the first year that I wasn't freaking out and angry that no one would help and I had been working my tail off! It was delightful and relaxing!
Living in the best country in the world. Even though the elections took a few years off of my life and I don't always agree with the politics of this country I recognize how blessed I am to be free to express it. We have a abundance in our lives. We have great medical care. We have religious freedom. We have amazing soldiers and their families supporting them as they bravely stand up for us and fight for our freedom!
I love, love this country!
I could go on and on .There was so much I have been blessed with and I love that we take the time every year on Thanksgiving to acknowledge all the blessings in our lives!
Ah, I see you did the Shirley Temples! I love tradition. You're right, I think it keeps us connected even when we're hundreds or thousands of miles apart.
I love the Shirley Temples!! It's a great tradition, one that Josh is starting to expect as well as the cheesecakes, being far from family but eating familar foods definately comforts me. I love thanksgiving.
what a great day. Sounds wonderful!
Glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. Sometimes we have to see the difficult trials to enjoy the blessings when they come.
I love your Christmas blog look :)
Dearie, that is a whole lot of blessings and your commentary was great. Prayers for your dear sister, though. :-(
I love to see the traditions carried out. The pictures are great and you blog look is your best yet! I am thankful for you!
Thanks for sharing your Thanksgiving photos. Blessings are wonderful! I hope your sister gets better very soon.
We had the nicest T-giving this year. Had family in, and enjoyed the time together, along with Spaghetti, Salad & Garlic Bread, Brownies, Cakes, etc....
Thankful for a great family and for peace, which hasn't always been there...
J/ (
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