Sunday, May 31, 2009

A New Flavor

In Honor of the 44th President of the United States, Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream has issued a new flavor, “Barocky Road.”

Barocky Road is a blend of half Vanilla, half Chocolate, and surrounded by Nuts and Flakes.

The Vanilla portion of the mix is not openly advertised and usually denied as an ingredient.

The Nuts and Flakes are all very bitter and hard to swallow.

The Cost is $100.00 per scoop.

When purchased, it will be presented to you in a large beautiful cone, but then the Ice Cream is taken away and given to the person in line behind you.

Thus you are left with an empty wallet, no change, holding an empty cone, with no hope of getting any Ice Cream.

Aren't you feeling stimulated?

Haha! Thanks for sending this Corrine!

Friday, May 22, 2009

A Quick Update

I've had several people ask what the latest is so I thought I'd post a quick update as to what is going on.
I went last week to the perinatoligist. They did the level 2 ultrasound to see what was going on. They found that there had been a placental abruption but the Dr said it was very, very minor on the very edge of the placenta. The baby was in a perfect position to see the placenta. The placenta was actually in front so they felt they had a very good view of what was going on. There was no new bleeding and seemed like things have settled down. Both the hospital and the Dr office picked up minor contractions so the dr thinks that my uterus is irritable and that is causing the contractions. Umm yeah, 7 kids would wear that sucker out! So the contractions is what caused the abruption and the bleeding.
Good news is that I am stable. I have to take it easy. I told the Dr bed rest is a relative term when you have 6 kids to take care of. She feels that if I am careful, lay down immediately if I have any cramping and then head to the hospital if it persists for more than 15 minutes I should be OK.
No lifting, Minimal walking for any lengths. Take the shopping ride on carts. Be up for short periods then lay down the baby will be OK and so will the bleeding! So, I am careful. I actually spent most of the day in bed yesterday. If I hurt I lay down. The baby was 1.8 lbs and looks fantastic.
Best part? When they were doing the ultrasound they switched it to 3d and as soon as they did that the baby smiled this huge smile. She looked like she was sleeping and it was one of those cute ones they do in their sleep. When I see that I think OK, I can handle puking for 3 more months. I can do this. It doesn't feel so far away and horrific. It feels more real. I feel more of a connection. I'm actually getting kinda excited! Who would have thought?

Monday, May 18, 2009

More Atlanta Trip Part Two

Ok, I'll finish off posting about our trip to Atlanta.

We went to Stone Mountain, The Aquarium, and we had dinner at a fantastic mexican restraunt with a bunch of family.

Family was the best part by far about this trip. Looking at the pictures again brings tears to my eyes. I think..OK this is what it is all about. Those hellish days seem worth it when I am able to look at times like these. I enjoyed my kids so much. They were pretty darn good and even though I feel a little bit like we are a freak show when we have that many together I also feel a sense of peace and pride. Even though it is hard I love, love having my big family.

It was so wonderful to share that side of our family with the kids. Many of them had never met Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins on Tony's side of the family.

Saturday the day before we left there was a giant family reunion. It was huge and wonderful and I loved the kids getting a chance to know their family.

Nana Isa cooked for days and we had a thanksgiving type meal because she wanted to give thanks for her family being together. There was even a friend of the family who works for the newspaper who came over to take some family portraits. I can't wait to see how they turned out.

I wish we lived closer so we could see them and be a part of their lives. I am just grateful for the time that we had!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Opinions Are Like Bum Holes....Everyone Has One And They All Stink....

I've been wanting a cute t shirt that is comfy too so I decided to load the three lil ones up and head out to the store.
I had some other errands to do so this was no easy task. They are animals and it is all I can do to corral them!
So we hit a store to get some groceries and then we get some lunch. I am about done at this point but was determined to get that dang shirt.
We head into the store and I find a few cute shirts to try on and I give them to the sales woman to put into a room.
I then notice some really cute bras and I head over to check them out. I have jungle boobs nowadays. You know...they could be in National Geographic. Breastfeeding 6 kids has not been kind on them. So I am thinking maybe a cute bra with some lift would be nice. Make me feel sexier than a jungle woman. I choose a few and hand them to the salesgirl. I look some more then head to the dressing room.( I am of course tired, hot and irritated by now)
The girl in charge of the dressing room looks at Bailey, Grace, and Ethan and says Oh my you have your hand full. Are any of them twins? I say no. They are just close in age. She then asks if I am pregnant to which I say yes. She then ROLLS her eyes ( so freaking dramatic like)and says right~and you need Lingerie why??? I later hear her cracking a joke with the other sales girl as we are leaving. Ok..bite me...
Gee the jokes just keep coming....even from complete strangers. Glad I could give her something to laugh about today. Why does everyone have a opinion about me having another and why do they feel the need to voice it? Sheesh. Enough said.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Ummmm Crazymama???

Remember that really cute boy kitty we got from your sister? We named him Remi. And the kids love him. And were worried about him cause he just didn't seem like himself right before we went out of town.

And when we got back guess what?? He was acting more normal. He seemed fine.

Had KITTENS!! Hahaha! Are you laughing yet?

So folks, just a warning here~ Know that if you come over to my house there is a strong possibility that against all odds~you will get pregnant! I'm just sayin.....

Atlanta Part 1!

Not sure how I am going to post this with so much stuff we did in Atlanta, but I will try to post some of our highlights from our trip to .
The first night we got in,Nana Isa and Walley Da were waiting for us at the airport with balloons and leis. It was so fun to see them again and we went from the airport to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants called Coco Loco.
Sunday Nana Isa cooked a wonderful Cuban roast chicken dinner and we were able to enjoy some time with family.
We left early Monday for Savannah. It is so beautiful there. The trip down there was a easy one and we had fun trying to identify what the road kill was! It tended to be raccoons, skunk, possum, and armadillos! Armadillos won out by far! I didn't know there were so many in this state! We were counting them and I gave up after 15! Kinda sick and fascinating all in one! Tony drew the line at stopping for me to get a picture of a dead one! kill joy tony!
We stopped at this little gas station that had farm animals and the kids got a kick out of feeding the animals!
When we got to Savannah we checked into our hotel then we headed out to explore a little before dinner. The squares there are amazing. So beautiful. For dinner we had dinner reservations at Paula Deans. As you can see from the pictures the fried chicken was delish! Ethan ate his weight in that stuff!
We rode the ferry boat and walked and had a fantastic time!
The next day we headed out to Tybee Island. It was perfect! Warm, lots of sun and the ocean was warm! I wish we could have stayed for a few more days. I didn't feel as if we had enough time to explore Savannah and Tybee so it will be on our agenda for the next trip!
Ok! so there was the first installment of our trip. Hopefully it wasn't too long winded! I'll post more later!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Ours is growing crazy! Here is a picture of Bailey and Grace's sunflower that they planted from a little seed!

We have had such fun with it. Tonight Tony and the girls picked some yellow squash and Tony cooked it up for everyone. Mmmm it was delish!

I guess 104 degrees is good for something around here. The plants love it even if I don't!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Little Scare!

While we were in Atlanta last week I had a little scare and was bleeding. At first I thought it was just my cervix and the usual problems I tend to have. But it got worse and I was cramping alot. So I stopped doing anything. I laid around a bunch and Tony even had me use a wheelchair when we went to the aquarium. I thought that was overkill but he was insistent so I did it. Well guess what? I went to the Drs when I got home and they did a sonogram. Found out I had a placental abruption! Wow! Was told if I had not taken it easy and had not used the wheelchair it would have been catastrophic!
Can I just say how grateful I feel that things are OK? I was really uneasy and kept telling myself I was overreacting. Guess I wasn't worried enough!
Next week they are sending me to a perinatologist and I am on bed rest again. Funny how I don't mind doing bed rest this time after hearing the Dr tell me how lucky we are.
Good news is the baby is about a pound and a half. We're making progress here....

Stay tuned for some great pics of the family reunion in Atlanta! It was so cool to see so much family we haven't seen for over 10 years!!!