Crazy Mama~aka~Julie was offering free-yes that's right my friends- free kittens on her blog yesterday and once I saw the picture of that kitty I just had to have him!I got in touch with her and went to pick up the kitten. Isn't he super Cute? My husband wants to know what was I thinking? Silly Tony, who says I thought this out?Isn't he super cute though?
We still haven't agreed on a name yet~Any suggestions?
He looks so soft.
You were thinking that your babies would love love love to squeeze him, obviously. And you were thinking he is a boy so you don't have to worry about him having babies. So cute. We will come and visit while he is still cute and little;)
he is darling! i often get the what were you thinking chat. it is never good. we have a matching big one. that never got a name. today she is calling him Cookie dough, yesterday it was butterscotch. we've had ours for a year. and NO NAME! i call it the orange cat. good luck! have fun this it while it's tiny! and thanks for taking one off her hands. i'm sure your kids are in heaven!
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