Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sweet Relief!

I have to confess, I was a bit panicked a couple of days ago when the weather was so unbearably hot. I was feeling sorry for myself thinking In Colorado, the snow has just melted, and spring is probably in full swing right now. Yep, I was so unfortunate to have to be living in Arizona. Anywhere but Arizona.I just wasn't ready for the hot weather yet.
Well, today I woke up and the sky was overcast, and the temperature was only 69 degrees. Yes only 69!! wahoooo.
It got only better when the rain started! I love the rain. So..I went outside with the kids and we sat on the porch and watched the rain fall. The girls were so excited it was raining. We had to play in it for awhile.
Definitely a boost for my mood. I guess Arizona isn't so bad after all :)


sherry said...

yeah, lots of posts! Bren was sitting on my lap as I was reading and got all excited and said, "Bailey!" Cute kids! Your pool looks awesome. You are really going to get a lot of use out of it this summer. It is so nice to get this fun break before the heat seriously starts. Rachelle looked beautiful for graduation. We have 9th grade in Jr. High here, so we never did 8th grade graduation. I can't help but wonder what her curly hair would look like if she let it go natural. It comes from having horribly straight hair I guess. Hope to see you soon!

Kendra said...

Wow! I love your blog and your little girl is adorable! Every kids should have some pictures of playing in the rain. I think I am suffering from pool envy. I am sure that you'll spend most of your summer cooling off in there. Thanks for giving me a glipse of your family!

Lori ~ LL-K said...

I love rain!!
I wish our whole summer could be like this!!

PS the girls are too cute!!