Cara has once again decided to do the blessings project and I am excited to participate again! If you are interested in being a part of it check out her blog here! I missed doing it last year. I probably should have continued last year on my own.
I find it helpful to acknowledge the good in my life since it seems when life gets too busy or hard that becomes my focus and I loose sight of how blessed I am!
So here we go again...
Week 1
This week I am grateful for ~ My maids!!
Establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith,a house of learning, a house of glory,a house of order,a house of God D&C 88:119
How many times have we heard this scripture? I remember sitting in relief society hearing lessons on the importance of creating a house of order. And I longed for that! And I felt ashamed that my house wasn't on of those. When Tony and I got married I went from having a two kids to having five! It threw me for a loop! As hard as I tried it seemed I just couldn't keep up with everything!I wanted to be one of those ladies who was so on top of it. So organized.But I am NOT one of those ladies! I had a girlfriend who would give me "tips" on how to be more organized and keep a spotless house. She told me how she woke up at 5 am and couldn't go to sleep so she decided to get up and organize her linen closet. And it was then that I thought NEVER,EVER will I be one of them! First of all...I'd never wake up at 5 am and not be able to go back to sleep, and if it did ever happen, cleaning my linen closet is not what I'd do!
Over time I got better at cleaning and keeping on top of things but it is still a struggle. Seven kids is alot of work and alot of mess! And I know that when my house is together, I tend to be too. It just makes a difference!
After I had Adelynn, we started having a maid come in weekly! I was so overwhelmed and having them come weekly just took that edge off. It motivated me too cause I know they are coming so I have to keep up with the house.
Christmas and New Year both fell on Friday this year. And that is my cleaning day. So I missed having them show up for two weeks in a row.
But they came this past Friday. And I felt such a sense of peace when they left and I walked through my spotless house. I went in my room and sat in my chair and read my book and had a half an hour of quiet, just sitting in my clean house! Delightful!
It restores a feeling of peace to our home and takes a huge load off for me. I feel so grateful that we are able to be able to have them come at this time. For that I am truly Grateful!
I just want you to know that this week I am so grateful for YOU! It seriously meant so much to me that you dropped by today! Thanks you! And btw, I have maid envy. Having two kids and being unemployed makes me uneligable for one. Boo.
I'm ineligible as well, booo.
But I truly am happy for you. I just make the best of our mess. Last night I noticed our bedroom tv stand had approximately 3 months of dust on it. Did I dust it? Nope, I wrote in it with my finger, "Call me for a good time." Hubby saw it last night. teehee! I must laugh at myself, otherwise I might cry. ;)
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