Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Best Commercial EVER!!!

My hubs showed me this commercial and I think maybe he might be a little irritated. Cause I told him, oh yeah, that is the BEST fantasy ever!!
So ladies, take a look. Whatcha think??


Britta said...

Oh yeah! My hubby doesn't believe me no matter how many times I tell him what foreplay works for me....helping out with little things throughout the day....I'll show him this and he'll see I'm not just crazy.

Crazymamaof6 said...


was that inappropriate? hee hee.
yeah i LOVE that.
and the six pack was NIIIICE too.

Rhonda said...

ok that is so funny. we're on the same wave length. Read tomorrow mornings blog post about "sexiest man alive"...I do mention that a man that mops floors is sexier than any hollywood heart throb! I'm not kidding either.


HOT HOT HOT! I can see why they say once you go black.....hehehe. Thanks for the little pick me up today. Whenever my day starts to get sucky, I will close my eyes and be in my happy place....with a stud muffin!

Juli said...

LOL My husband showed me this too! I think it is a perfect fantasy. Clean house, hot sexy man. Ooooh yeah! THE BEST!!

kristifritzel said...

how could it not be the best comercial ever? Aaron doesn't beleive me either that that is a fantasy of mine........ sigh. ;)

Anonymous said...
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Kricket said...

That is so funny! I love it. However, this one is my ABSOLUTE favorite. I laughed so hard when I saw it.